With the recent passing of Barbara Bush, stories about her are popping up everywhere. She was a strong woman who faced some tragic losses that forged her character – making her what I call a “Humble Bridge-Builder.”
After the loss of a child, her commitment to her husband and family and then extended family became one of the hallmarks of her life. Although the wife of a president and mother of another, she made time for people of all backgrounds and political persuasions – inivting them into her family circle.
Chelsea Clinton tweeted, “I will never forget how kind she was to me on every occasion we met, and how fondly the White House staff always spoke of her.”
So much of the words spoken today (even by Christians) are aimed at tearing others down. We disagree with someone’s politics or perspective on an issue, and the firestorm of tweets and posts go viral. Accusations, partial truths, assuming the worst of others, and loose lips are the norm of the day.
Yet Jesus called His followers then and NOW to stem the tide of division and destruction and be Humble Bridge-Builders.
What a joy it was last month to see this in action in Orlando. I had the privilege to teach about a thousand pastors from every denomination under the sun, various ages, races, and theological persuasions. We UNITED around the character and atttributes of our great God and Savior. I was deeply moved to see them commit to partner together with Living on the Edge to teach and proclaim to their people WHO GOD REALLY IS this fall.
The Real God series was launched there in partnership with RightNow Media, the first of three major pastors’ conferences this year. We watched as pastors and churches built bridges of understanding and talked about how to support and love one another and those in their communities … about what it would look like for Christians to live like Christians all across America … to be known for what we’re for instead of what we’re against.
The world is desperate to meet and see followers of Jesus who speak and act in ways that build people up rather than tear them down. They long to see it in our friendships, our marriages, our parenting, our coaching at Little League games, our casual conversations overhead in coffee shops, and in what we post and tweet about our perspectives on the issues of our day.
Together let’s strive to be Humble Bridge-Builders today.

Written By
Chip Ingram
Founder & Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram is the CEO and teaching pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. A pastor for over thirty years, Chip has a unique ability to communicate truth and challenge people to live out their faith. He is the author of many books, including The Real God, Culture Shock and The Real Heaven. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four grown children and twelve grandchildren and live in California.
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