Leaving Loneliness Behind

Leaving Loneliness Behind

By Staff Writers

Can you remember a time when loneliness had a grip on you? Was it after a breakup?  During a struggle at work? At a social gathering where you didn’t connect? Or while on social media where everyone else’s life looked way more perfect than yours?

Is loneliness a struggle you are enduring right now?

Loneliness tells you over and over you don’t measure up, no one could possibly care about you, you don’t belong. As it seeps deeper inside, it steals one of the best gifts God has for you – a life full of joy. It keeps you in a place of desolation and brokenness.

How do you get to that place of joy? That place where you know loneliness is lying to you and God has a better plan for your life?

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Realize God cares about your loneliness. He created you to be in a relationship with Him. He wants a connection with you. He doesn’t want to leave you where you are. Instead, our Mighty God wants to crash through your loneliness and rip open the pain and isolation it creates.

1 John 1:3-4 tells us “…our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.  We write this to make our joy complete.”

He wants to do this through His Son. Jesus understands your loneliness. He hung on a cross, completely isolated and abandoned. His closest friends left Him there. He knows your loneliness and He invites you to conquer it with Him.

“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

Jesus says, “Come to me.” He wants you to know He is here. He doesn’t want you to be separated from him. He then acknowledges how loneliness makes you weary. The truth is, it’s not easy being lonely. It wears you down because it is a constant burden on your heart and soul. He wants to take that from you.

And with His pure, authentic, unconditional love, He offers you a place to be known and to belong. He wants you to find that in His family.

Find a quiet place to be with God and talk to Him. Ask Him to show your heart truth, to show you who He is and what He wants to do in and through your loneliness.

When you’ve wrapped yourself up in His truth, step out and be vulnerable, knowing He goes with you. Look at your church as a family instead of a place or an event to attend. Take some risks – start a conversation with a stranger at church or find a place to serve and connect with others. Sign up for a small group. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but experiencing authentic love and connection in God’s family is worth the risk.

Let God’s love and the family He offers take the place of your loneliness. Only then can you begin to experience the best life God has for you.

Written By

Staff Writers

Our team of writers is committed to bringing you life-changing content to help you become a Romans 12 Christian.

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