weekend Broadcast


3 Essential Practices to Becoming More Like Jesus

The 21st-century church is often described as “thousands of miles wide but only an inch deep”. Many people claim to be Christians, yet few genuinely embody a life that honors God. In this series, Chip takes us on a journey through the Gospels to reveal the profile of an authentic follower of Christ. Together, we’ll explore the discipleship path Jesus modeled during His time on Earth, built around three simple yet powerful practices that will empower us to live out our faith and deepen our connection with God.

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The Jesus Way of Disciple-Making, Part 1

Are you ready to live a life that reflects Jesus more and more each day? In this program, Chip shares with us the blueprint to becoming a Christian who really lives like a Christian. Join us as we study the life of Jesus and hone in on 3 essential practices He modeled–that will transform our faith and deepen our connection to God.

Practice #2: Do Life In Community, Part 2

We all have experienced the sting of betrayal, gossip, and broken trust. And when that relational pain comes, it is only human to want to push others away. But in this program, Chip offers a biblical alternative. Learn how to cultivate a God-honoring community of believers and repair broken relationships by laying a sturdy foundation of trust, honesty, and genuine connection.