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Letter from Chip

“But to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.”
Isaiah 66:2, NASB 1995

Dear Friend,

I wanted to share a little bit about my journey with you. I always thought I would end up being a basketball coach at some university, using the sport as a way to influence and mentor young men, just like the coaches who had a positive impact on my life. I had this deep desire for God to use me, but I often felt inadequate. I believed that God only worked through people who were far more intelligent, gifted, and holier than me. After all, I was just a regular high school teacher and coach, who had attended a small college.

To make things more challenging, my college basketball career wasn’t extraordinary, and I didn’t have any formal theological training. But you know what? That didn’t stop the Lord from leading me on an incredible journey around the world after college, where I got to share Christ through basketball. From the mountains of Peru to the rice fields of the Philippines, we played games in Olympic stadiums and small villages alike. It was during these travels that I witnessed the heart-wrenching realities of hurt, poverty, and spiritual lostness that truly broke my heart.

One particular moment stands out in my memory. I was on a plane, flying over Chile at an altitude of 38,000 feet when I had a heartfelt conversation with the Lord. I told Him, “This world is so vast, and the problems are so immense that I honestly don’t know how I, just one person, can make any difference. But I can’t just go home and forget about all I’ve seen. So, Lord, I surrender my life to You. Do whatever You choose with it.”

God is drawn to a broken spirit. He loves and responds to those who know they are desperately dependent on him. He rejects pride categorically because the proud aren’t aware of how much they need God. They are self-focused and self-sufficient. But the contrite and humble know they need him. He delights in making himself known to them and lifting them up (Isaiah 57:15).

We can see an example of this broken spirit in Nehemiah. One of his most powerful and revealing prayers shows us the kind of humility God loves. In his plea for his people who had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild it, he worshiped, confessed sins, and appealed to God’s promises (Neh. 1:5-11). He demonstrated a high view of God, an accurate view of himself, and a commitment to God’s agenda.

In other words, his prayer was all about God and His purposes. His heart was broken over the plight and pain of God’s people; he cried out in desperate dependency seeking God’s intervention. God had done a profound work in him.

Do you want God to work powerfully through you? Then he must first do a profound work in you. He always works in us deeply before he works through us significantly.

That means that before we rush into action and try to accomplish His purposes in our own strength, we must go through a journey of becoming completely dependent on him, learning to rely on his strength rather than our own. This is where great works begin. In that place of dependence, God births vision, gives wisdom and direction and works powerfully through his people—just as he did with Nehemiah.

If that’s your longing, position your heart before God as Nehemiah did. As you seek God’s will for your life, ask him to take you deeper. Get into a small group, dive into some of our resources, and let him speak to you deeply through His Word. Surrender yourself to whatever He says, trust in his promises, and move forward in faith as He leads. The posture of your heart is a vital component in a life of impact. Today, millions are hearing of the God who saves, intervenes, heals, and restores because you give to support broadcasts to train pastors, and create Living on the Edge Discipleship resources. Ordinary people like you and me are making an extraordinary difference in “their world” and “the world”.

Please, step out and let God break your heart and discover your purpose. And please give this month to help us help others just like you.

Thank you for making a difference in your sphere of influence.


Pressing ahead together,



Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge

P.S. I want to thank you for supporting the Mid-Year Match. Your financial support enables Living on the Edge to provide pastor training and transformational discipleship resources all around the world.


Coffee Break Message

Bonus Message

Prayer Requests and Praises

We Thank God For…

  1. His generous provision of the money we need to disciple more Christians here in the U.S. and around the world. We’re thankful for all our ministry partners in generously participating in our Mid-Year Match.
  2. Chip’s time in Germany in July as he spoke at the Steiger International leaders’ retreat as part of our partnership with Steiger to reach the Next Generation for Christ.
  3. Successful transition of our move to the new office in Atlanta and for an encouraging time of staff team building in July.

We ask God to…

  1. Enable us to be a catalyst to engage and equip parents, pastors, and ministries to reach the Next Generation for His glory.
  2. Give the global team wisdom and guidance as they plan pastor training in the second half of the year.
  3. His guidance and smooth completion of the production work and final details of our collaborative book in partnership with Steiger International as we aim to reach the Next Generation.