December 2022
Because of the prayers and generosity of God’s people and His unexplainable favor—Living on the Edge has delivered overwhelming help, hope, and healing to hundreds of thousands of people this year. I am humbled by the information in our 2022 Vision Report. And I marvel at what God is accomplishing in the midst of chaos, division, and tribulation in our country and around the globe. Thanks for your partnership and for prayerfully considering participating in our year-end match if you have not done so already.
This month, all gifts will be DOUBLED and used to train pastors and disciple the next generation.
Message from Chip
But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.
Dear Ministry Partner,
As we approach the Christmas season, I’m reminded of God’s incredible gift of Jesus and the hope that we have in Him. This is a time we spend together with family and friends celebrating the birth of Jesus and remembering all that God has provided. And here at Living on the Edge, we are so grateful for you and your continued partnership with us in the work of the ministry.
Even in the midst of this special time of year, it’s clear that we are living in challenging times as believers. Our core beliefs are being challenged in our culture. And in response, we find ourselves either defensive or silent instead of winsomely communicating the Good News.
The apostle Paul in 2 Timothy chapter 4 teaches us that the ability to endure whatever suffering, hardship, or persecution we face can only be accomplished through the gift of God’s supernatural grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. What an incredible gift to joyfully receive—especially at Christmastime.
As we look ahead, we recognize that God has given us this ministry and that He will fully support us as we seek to help Christians live like Christians.
Whenever I’m about to take a big step of faith, I find confidence in remembering God’s great faithfulness. Here are a few highlights that come to mind:
• In 1995, trusting that God wanted us to have a greater impact, we started as a radio ministry on one station. Today the broadcast is heard on 1,023 stations by 1 million people each week.
• In 2008, trusting that our listeners needed to grow spiritually, we offered a free small-group study to our entire audience. Thousands of people responded, and to date, more than 300,000 groups have formed.
• In 2017, trusting we could help pastors in China, we legally printed and distributed 50,000 discipleship books by God’s grace. By the end of 2022, the total will be 3 million books.
• In 2018, trusting God to expand the ministry globally, Chip resigned as Senior Pastor to devote his focus to Living on the Edge. Today we are actively training pastors throughout Egypt and the Middle East.
• In 2020, trusting that God wanted believers to grow despite the pandemic, we launched Daily Discipleship. A rapidly deployed experiment has now grown to 195,064 participants so far!
• In 2021, trusting we could help pastors, we launched The A.R.T. of Survival webinar to a small group of pastors in Egypt. A year later, we’ve provided live training digitally for 10,500 pastors in 60 countries.
• In 2022, the work continues to teach The A.R.T. of Survival in person to 40,000 churches in Kenya. The A.R.T. of Survival book is now translated into 26 languages.
Where God is Leading
God is calling us to take big and new steps of faith to “not be afraid” and to “fully carry out the ministry” that He has given us. And we need your help.
I’ve included our Vision Update in this month’s Coffee Break. As you read it, you’ll learn more about the vision, strategy, and goals of the three “pillars” that God has called us to invest in. Will you join us and stand in the gap as we bring His hope to the world?
Because of the generosity of a small group of ministry partners, every gift given before midnight on December 31 will be doubled, dollar for dollar.
This Year-End Match will cover all our ongoing expenses to end the year strong and position us to do what God is calling us to do in 2023.
I know that we are living in uncertain economic times, and I realize that it can be difficult to give freely when we don’t know what the future holds. Will you pray and ask God what He would have you do to join us in this effort? Every gift makes a difference, no matter how large or small. We are so grateful for your fervent prayers and financial partnership.
Standing in the gap TOGETHER,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
A Vision for the Future
Jesus commanded His followers to go to “all the nations” and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). God is urgently calling us all to stand in the gap to bring hope. At Living on the Edge, we believe that God is calling us to invest in Three Pillars to uphold the truth of God’s Word and see millions of lives transformed for the Kingdom.