February 2025
Dear Friend,
I want to take a moment to share a story with you about how your partnership is piercing the darkness and bringing forth light as we work together to help Christians live like Christians. I am continually amazed at how God uses the training tools He has given us to support pastors and leaders across the globe.
The story I want to share is that of Pastor Mustafa. This is not just one account but rather a representation of testimony after testimony we at Living on the Edge receive on a regular basis. As we journey together, I want you to experience the impact of God’s good grace and celebrate the incredible work that He has wrought.
Around the world, The A.R.T. of Survival plays an important role by providing much-needed discipleship training to ministry leaders. As a result of this training, church leaders are finding hope and refusing to quit the ministry despite challenges that are difficult for us first-world Christians to imagine. They have gone from hopeless to more deeply rooted in their faith and ready to stand strong.
Pastor Mustafa received our training in India. Facing an impossible season of ministry, without a means to feed or take care of his family or church, he had lost all hope when he received a flyer about The A.R.T. of Survival, which became a turning point for him.
In this powerful four-minute video, Pastor Mustafa shares his story of transformation and how our training helped him find joy in the midst of a very dark season. He’s now sharing that same message with his congregation and other pastors in his community, producing a profound impact on their ministries as well.
Your partnership makes a difference like this all around the world. We are seeing pastors transformed, emerging with renewed hope, strength, and joy for their callings.
As God continues to open doors here and abroad, we’re excited to continue our work in reaching even more pastors. Your generosity is a blessing to us, and we’re grateful for partners like you.
Bringing forth the LIGHT together,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge