NOW PLAYING: We're Living in a Rare Moment in Human History
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We Ask God To:
1. Powerfully use Living on the Edge’s newly revised Mealtime Conversations discussion guides to help families come together, talk about God, and grow in their faith.
2. Extend His protection and power this summer to Chinese leaders in three training centers. These leaders will receive training on True Spirituality and will then train others in China.
3. Provide for and move His people according to His will in order to financially support the ministry and fulfill the match.
We Thank God For:
1. The Spanish translation and first print run of The Real God is completely ready to serve 50 million Spanish speakers in the U.S. and all of Latin America. This is timely as doors are opening in Spanish-speaking countries for Living on the Edge.
2. The amazing group of ministry partners who came together to create the Mid-Year Match opportunity and all it will enable us to do.
3. The beautiful and heartfelt reports of life-change and impact people share with us of all He is doing in their lives through Chip’s teaching and the work of Living on the Edge, made possible by our generous supporters.
Stand in the Gap
“I searched for a man among them who would build up a wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it…”
–Ezekiel 22:30 (NASB)
Wow, what a day we’re living in! It’s been a year of shutdowns, lockdowns, and, let’s face it, letdowns. It’s also exactly the kind of time when God is most at work and hearts are most open.
I believe that God, in His sovereignty, used this past year to awaken countless cultural Christians from their slumber and turn the hearts of many unbelievers to the Lord. At Living on the Edge, we exist to help Christians live like Christians—believers who stand in the gap and change the world one life at a time.
We sensed that God was up to something very significant in this pandemic, so with your help, we stepped out to teach, mentor, equip, and meet people right where they were: in their homes. Little did we know, God was up to something far more than we had imagined!
Who could have imagined…
…that when we launched the new Daily Discipleship study as an experiment to help people grow spiritually while in lockdown that 30,000 people would join me daily? God birthed a mini movement from it.
The stories of life change have been more profound than any I’ve received before. I’ve discovered an unexplainable level of joy in teaching in this one-to-one format, coaching people to feed themselves spiritually. I believe that your heart will sing as you read the testimonies in the Mid-Year Ministry Report.
Fast-forward and we’ve released two more Daily Discipleship series, with more than 100,000 people viewing online. I sense a clear calling to create 3 new series per year in the future as God provides.
Who could have imagined…
…that when we responded to a prominent Egyptian leader’s request to help pastors in Egypt, who by their own account were “barely surviving,” God would birth another mini movement? God continued to open new doors, and we were able to bring hope, encouragement, and training to 8,000 pastors and church leaders in 60 countries in 16 languages. We will move forward as God provides.
Who could have imagined…
…that when the pandemic shut down China, and amid the government’s increased restrictions, we would still distribute 400,000 copies of True Spirituality (Romans 12) books with training in 18 cities, bringing our total to 1.5 million books in China. We will keep stepping through the open door to print 300,000 additional books this year as God provides the funding.
Who could have imagined…
…that when we offered to help families have meaningful conversations around the table and grow spiritually that tens of thousands would respond? Since then, we’ve created multiple new family resources and will continue to address the biggest moral and cultural issues of the next generation as God provides.
I trust you’ll be humbled as we are when you read the Mid-Year Ministry Report, knowing that you’ve been part of what God has done through Living on the Edge. Through your prayers and financial support, God has brought hope and comfort to millions of people all over the world!
For reasons known only to God, He has tapped us on the shoulder to step in and step out to help Christians live like Christians all across the globe.
Why? Because the foundations of America have been shaken to the core. People here and around the world are desperate for hope, stability, and clear direction. That’s why helping Christians live like Christians may be the most strategic evangelistic and discipleship strategy of our time.
God is working in this unique period in history. We are simply building up the wall of righteousness and standing in the gap for the land, and God is fulfilling His promises.
This letter is my personal appeal to ask you to “stand in the gap” with us. Thanks to a small group of committed ministry partners, every gift will be doubled, dollar for dollar, from now through July 6.
The needs today are overwhelming, the response is unprecedented, and the opportunity is NOW! I am personally asking God for two specific things:
1. A group of highly committed Prayer Warriors who will intercede daily for Living on the Edge.
2. An outpouring of God’s generosity through faithful ministry partners like you.
I know life is still uncertain and there are forces that continue to threaten our country, our families, and Christ’s Church here and across the world, but I believe this is what God is calling us to do, which is why I’m asking you to join me.
Will you simply pray and ask God what part He would have you play in this Mid-Year Match and then do whatever He calls you to do?
Will you beseech the Lord of the harvest and fast for a meal or two, or even a day or two? Will you ask God to make Himself known to His people; convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; and supply all the needs we have to fulfill all that He’s calling us to do?
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and prayerfully ponder our Mid-Year Ministry Report, reviewing what God is calling us to do in the days ahead. I’m praying that as you read these words, the Spirit of God will deeply encourage you, fill you with hope, and show you His specific will for you and your family.
Thank you for coming before the Lord and following His lead, whatever that may be.
Standing in the gap with you,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge