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Today's Broadcast: September 7

How David Walked with God

From the series Going Deeper

In your relationship with God, do you sometimes feel like you take two steps forward, then one step back? You start a new week off praying and reading your Bible, but then you get busy or distracted or fall morally, and you are back in square one. Well, in this message, Chip has a challenging word to share as he continues his series, Going Deeper. Discover what King David’s connection to God teaches us about creating a regular pattern of meeting with God.

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daily Radio

Going Deeper

How to Walk with God 24/7

Do you want a closer relationship with God, where you hear His voice, better understand His Word, and genuinely enjoy being with Him? Well, Chip is going to help us experience that through this series. Discover how to develop a...

weekend Radio

Going Deeper

How to Walk with God 24/7

Do you want a closer relationship with God, where you hear His voice, better understand His Word, and genuinely enjoy being with Him? Well, Chip is going to help us experience that through this series. Discover how to develop a...

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