Legacy Giving
When you include Living on the Edge in your will or estate plan, you decide to impact people’s lives long after you are gone.
You can remember Living on the Edge in your will by simply adding this language.
You could decide to give a specific dollar amount.
I give Living on the Edge, a Georgia non-profit corporation, with Federal Tax ID # 46-0484695, the sum of $_________ to be used “where most needed”.
You could decide to give a percentage of your estate.
I give ___ % of the residue of my estate to Living on the Edge, a Georgia non-profit corporation, with Federal Tax ID # 46-0484695, to be used “where most needed”.
You could also decide to make Living on the Edge a beneficiary of certain assets such as Life Insurance policies.
We encourage you to contact an attorney, financial advisor or other qualified professional to help you prepare a will that reflects your wishes.

Thank you for investing in the ministry of Living on the Edge!
Please let us know if you have included Living on the Edge in your will or estate plan.
Living on the Edge
PO Box 3007
Suwanee, GA 30024
PO Box 3007
Suwanee, GA 30024