Connect with God Daily
Spend time in prayer and deepen your faith.
Use this prayer journal to strengthen your relationship with God. Draw near to Him; He will draw near to you!Inside you’ll find 56 inspirational entries, including four for holidays. Each contains a Scripture passage, lyrics from a beloved hymn, or an insightful thought from a classic Christian leader. The entries also include a prompt for further reflection and ample space for journaling. In the back of the book, you can record prayer request and answered prayers.

Grow in Personal Prayer
A Free 5-part Video Series for You
The good news: anyone can pray. The reality: not everyone experiences God in prayer. Prayer is God’s invitation for us to connect with Him. Why is it then that so many of us struggle with our prayer lives? Discover why our prayer life often stalls and learn how to overcome common obstacles. Through this complimentary resource, you will learn a biblical pattern for prayer and experience God’s power, peace, and transformation in your life. Don’t miss this study.
What Every New Believer Needs to Know
‘Starting Out Right’
Whether or not to place your eternal security in the trust of Jesus Christ is the most important decision a person ever makes. And contrary to popular opinion, it’s not the end, but just the beginning of a life-long journey of relationship and faith. There are so many questions, so many things to know. That’s why we’ve created a resource to help, called “Starting Out Right.” This free download will give you some direction and answer some of the basic questions as you begin to grow.