daily Broadcast

Experiencing God's Dream for Your Marriage

Would you like a fresh breeze to blow in your marriage? Do you long for a marriage where intimacy and communication are a reality instead of a dream? Experiencing God’s Dream for Your Marriage is a topical series by Chip Ingram that examines God’s design for marriage, with practical instruction to help you make your marriage what God desires it to be.

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What Went Wrong? Barriers to Intimacy, Part 1

When it comes to marriage we want it to be deep, open, affirming, and fulfilling. WE want that, GOD wants that for us, so why do so few marriages enjoy that kind of closeness? Chip explores the barriers to intimacy and what it takes to overcome those barriers to experience the love and intimacy you long for.

What Went Wrong? Barriers to Intimacy, Part 2

We all long to experience real intimacy in our marriage. But, according to scripture, if we’re ever going to get there, we’ll need to overcome four barriers. These four barriers are common to everyone and they can block our attempts to develop intimacy with our mate if we don’t recognize and understand them. Chip reveals how to define and defeat the barriers to intimacy in your marriage.

Communication: How to Share Hearts Instead of Exchange Words, Part 1

This message focuses on a candid look at communication. If you want to learn how to improve the communication in your marriage, to share hearts instead of just exchanging words, then join Chip.

Communication: How to Share Hearts Instead of Exchange Words, Part 2

In this message, Chip explains how you can improve the communication in your marriage. Communication is the highway on which love travels. Chip shares how you can start building your own relational super highway.

Four Keys to Intimacy, Part 1

When it comes to the issue of intimacy in marriage, it’s safe to say that we all long to be connected to someone at a deep level. But for most of us we just don’t know how to get there. Chip reveals that there are four keys to cultivating intimacy in your marriage and they come straight out of the marriage handbook itself - the Bible. Join Chip to discover the four keys to improving intimacy in your marriage.

Four Keys to Intimacy, Part 2

Would you like more intimacy in your marriage? Chip lays out the four keys to unlocking greater intimacy in your marriage. Whether you’ve been married five months or fifty years - today’s message is for you.

Conflict Resolution: How to Fight Fair in Marriage, Part 1

What is the biggest source of conflict in your marriage right now? Come on think about it. What is the single biggest source of conflict in your marriage right now? Children? A job loss? Money? In laws? Have you got it? How would you like to get that resolved in a way that nobody gets hurt? Join Chip as he teaches you how to fight fair in marriage.

Conflict Resolution: How to Fight Fair in Marriage, Part 2

Conflict in marriage is inevitable and it is not necessarily a bad thing. However, left unresolved, conflict has the power to dissolve even the strongest marriages. So, how do we resolve conflict effectively? Chip explains that it's possible to fight fair in marriage.

Men and Women: Enjoying the Difference, Part 1

The lights come up on stage, the music starts, and on come two dancers moving to the music - moving with ease, precision, and beauty. Each step, each movement, is perfectly choreographed and executed. The two dancers become one as they float across the floor. God wants your marriage to be like that dance - beautiful and graceful. Chip talks about how to start creating your own dance and enjoying the music of life just a little bit more.

Men and Women: Enjoying the Difference, Part 2

Chip wraps up this series with a message that can revolutionize your marriage and perhaps even your your extended family, your church, and your neighborhood. The world needs to see great marriages that work and yours can be one of those marriages.