daily Broadcast

I Choose Joy

How to Live Life Above Your Circumstances

In the midst of difficulty, chaos, and continual pressure, what is it that sets a believer apart from the crowd? What causes people to notice that there’s something supernatural at work in their lives? In this series, from the book of Philippians, Chapter 1, Chip tells us it’s joy! He explains how understanding the power of focus, purpose, hope, and expectation enables an ordinary believer to live life above circumstances, weather the worst storms, and experience true joy.

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Understanding the Power of Focus, Part 1

If you’re bummed out, struggling, things not going well, and you don’t know where to go,  join Chip as he begins this series and shares how a divine equation can change your world. 

Understanding the Power of Focus, Part 2

What’s the toughest situation you’re facing today? A relationship? A negative boss? Financial pressure? Join Chip as he shares truth from God’s Word that will begin to neutralize that issue in your life and allow you to experience joy in the midst of your most perplexing problems.

Understanding the Power of Purpose, Part 1

Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is a zig zag line. God’s ultimate purpose for our life is often achieved by circumstances that seem to make no apparent sense to us. Is that how you feel? Do you need some help? Join Chip as he explains how, even in our worst circumstances, God can bring us joy!

Understanding the Power of Purpose, Part 2

Life is not fair. Here’s the question: What do you do when life's not fair to YOU? To answer that question, join Chip as he opens the book of Philippians for some very helpful insight.

Understanding the Power of Hope, Part 1

Are you in need of hope today? Are life’s ups and downs threatening to take the fight out of you or someone you love? Before you throw in the towel, join Chip as he shares how to find joy - even in the midst of really tough times. 

Understanding the Power of Hope, Part 2

Someone has rightly said, adversity either makes us or breaks us. What makes the difference? The answer is a simple four letter word. Chip tells us what that word is and how it can help us rise above the most difficult circumstances in our lives and experience joy!

Understanding the Power of Expectations, Part 1

Do you feel like quitting today? In your most honest conversations, do you feel like giving up and just saying to God, "I'm done"? If you need to know how to hang tough in really tough times join Chip as he reveals how you can not only survive tough times but, believe it or not, experience joy! 

Understanding the Power of Expectations, Part 2

Chip wraps up this series by explaining how the power of expectations can transform ordinary people into people of great faith. He tells us that through the joy Christ offers, we have the supernatural ability to live far above our circumstances.