Top Three Praises
For a successful trip to China, the incredible ministry that happened there, and the continued countless open doors.
Thank God for a powerful weekend of ministry to Military couples at The Cove and for providing resources (through partners like you) to gift Marriage That Works books and resources to the attendees.
For the amazing group of ministry partners who came together to create this Mid-Year Match opportunity, and all that it will enable us to do.
top Four Requests
That God would call partners together according to His will in order to fulfill the Match.
That God would call partners together according to His will in order to fulfill the Match.
As I attend the Lausanne Global Workplace Forum in Manila, Philippines June 25-29.
That God will empower the pastors and teachers who were trained in China, and those yet to come.

Bonus Message
Download MP3“Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?”
The quote above (Jeremiah 32:27) is God’s response to Jeremiah’s doubts about God’s command to invest in property in Jerusalem even as the city was about to fall to the Babylonians. The point was simple and profound. God was saying, “I want you to be so committed to My promise to restore My people and this city after its judgment for idolatry that you buy a piece of property here to demonstrate your faith that what I said I will do… I will do.”
In like manner, the Lord directed Theresa and myself to make our biggest life, time, and financial investment ever in Living on the Edge in 2018 as we saw Christians in America facing an ever increasing anti-Christian culture and Christians in China and the Middle East undergo intense persecution. When things appear more and more negative we must remember we serve a Sovereign God, who Knows All Things, has All Power, and is ready and willing to “strongly support those whose hearts are fully His.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
Now is not the time to draw back, it’s time to Step Up and Step Out!
With that in mind I’ve spent the last six months assessing the culture, the health of the Church and discerning where and how to best invest my life, gifts and the resources of Living on the Edge in these turbulent times.
I’ve traveled to China and spoke in small, rural villages and cities of 35 million. I’ve taught throughout America and listened to leaders, lay people, parents, students, pastors, professors and retirees in churches, universities, coffee shops, and private homes. And I’ve come to the following conclusions:
Like China, American culture is increasingly hostile to biblical Christianity. The sacredness and value of life, and Christianity in general, is seen as a threat to the current cultural mandate. In addition, we’re losing the next generation and the Church is desperately battling for its soul. Will cultural trends or biblical truth prevail in families, small groups, and local churches that profess Christ?
Like China, the external cultural pressures in America are having a pruning and purifying effect among professing Christians. Some churches and universities capitulate to the new sexual morals of the day but I am witnessing an energetic and passionate movement of young and old alike—Christians awakening to truly follow Christ and make a difference regardless of the cost. It’s a veritable reality, “Where sin abounds, grace super abounds.” Romans 5:20

Pew Research Center 2018 writes: “Christians (those claiming religious affiliation as Christians) are not reading the Bible, praying fervently, attending church, or receiving truth-filled teaching in order to garner genuine understanding of Scripture.”
Our churches, “evangelical churches” are filled with these people. Amongst youth workers, 48% of them say they are not equipped to answer questions of science and faith.
Parents and grandparents are desperate for tools and answers to address transgender, LGBT, and the new anti-Christian sentiment their children are facing. Pastors long for help to provide all of the above, but feel ill-equipped, overwhelmed, and in desperate need of support, encouragement, and practical resources for their people.
I’ve ministered most of my life in the bastions of progressiveness, and God has used that to create teaching, training, and resources for me to show love and speak the truth in hostile environments. Now…today…we cannot ignore the growing need and desire among pastors, parents and students for this very thing that He has called and equipped us to provide.
We are now living in a world much more like the 1st century than the last century.
Our opportunity is greater than ever before,
but like the 1st century, what it will
require is also much greater.
God has prepared us to be a catalyst “to help Christians live like Christians” at a time when this is our greatest apologetic to the world and our own children and grandchildren.
God has met us with an incredible display of what only He can do…setting new, seemingly impossible challenges/opportunities for us over the last few years – and fulfilling them each time we have stepped out in faith to address these needs.
We are stepping forward again right now—dependent on Him—to meet the needs He has shown us, and we are prepared to be astonished at what HE CAN DO!
Theresa and I, in partnership with the Living on the Edge board and staff are “All In” with our money, time, and future. Together with a very generous small group of friends, we have created an amazing opportunity to double every dollar given up to $850,000 through July 7th.
Will you join us?
Please take a moment right now to read the Mid-Year report and pray about what He would direct you to do. Rejoice with us in all He has done already, and in all He is yet to do. Then ask Him what part He wants you to play in what we will do “while it is still day!”
Let’s trust our great God together to bring LIGHT into this present darkness. Thank you for your partnership and generosity,