NOW PLAYING: God's Great Work through COVID-19
Download MP3Top Three Requests
That God would open the hearts of friends of Living on the Edge to financially support the ministry in the month of June.
For a movement of God’s Spirit across the U.S. to bring an authentic revival to Christ’s Church and a return to His Word and His ways.
For health and protection for all our ministry partners and their families (including you!) And especially for our first responders and those who are on the front-lines caring for others.
Top Three Praises
For the 30,000 believers who have been meeting with Chip Ingram one-on-one through Daily Discipleship with Chip – who are growing in their intimacy with God
That in the midst of the global pandemic, people are more open than ever and responding to the God of the Bible.
For the amazing group of ministry partners who gave so that every gift in June would be MATCHED dollar-for-dollar.
God Has Done a Great Work through Living on the Edge During COVID-19
If you need to hear some “good news” that will encourage your heart and fill your soul with HOPE—Listen to this Coffee Break!
If you need clear, biblical insight to “get perspective” on God’s purposes and move confidently through this crisis—Listen to this Coffee Break!
In it, you’ll hear the unprecedented response we have seen to our efforts to minister to people dealing with this new reality. The team at Living on the Edge quickly made revisions to broadcasts and developed new resources like Daily Discipleship with Chip, Mealtime Conversations, and Pastor to Pastor Coaching—while making thousands of phone calls to pray for and encourage God’s people in the trenches.
The results have been stunning! We have been flooded with powerful testimonies of healed marriages and restored families, of people meeting with God personally like never before— of lives truly changed.
On top of that, we received news from China about God’s perfect timing: 114,000 copies of The Real God book and discipleship resources got into the hands of 1,350 churches, representing 450,000 Chinese Christians just before the shut-down of China’s Hubei province, of which Wuhan is the capital! God sent His Word ahead of the virus.
God’s sovereign and compassionate hand is doing much good in the midst of horrendous circumstances. I have never seen such ministry impact and response to God’s Word through Living on the Edge. Fear and panic are being replaced by peace and power as thousands place their faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Casual Christians are reassessing priorities, family relationships, and lifestyle choices. They are returning to their “first love”—Jesus.
I’ve been a pastor for over 35 years and have seen God do many wonderful things; but I’ve never been more aware of His supernatural favor on the work that we’re doing. (I hope you’ll take time to read through the Ministry Report which provides a brief overview of God’s good work during this dark time.)
Your faithful prayers and generous financial support in the past has allowed us to be ready to respond in the way that we have. On behalf of all those we’ve been able to help in the midst of this crisis, I thank you!
Now, We Look to the Future!
As this health crisis begins to ease, we will soon enter a different kind of crisis… the financial, emotional, and relational “fallout” of lost jobs, business failures, fractured families, and a time of great uncertainty.
We are entering a world that will be different than anything we have ever experienced. Challenges will surely abound, but opportunities for those outside of Christ to know Him and for Christians to impact their worlds will super-abound.
Thanks to the wise stewardship of our board of directors, we are not in a financial crisis. Because of financial reserves set aside for such a time as this, and the faithfulness of God’s people, we were able to respond and see God work in this window of spiritual opportunity.
Thanks to a small group of ministry partners, EVERY GIFT GIVEN THIS MONTH WILL BE DOUBLED DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR to prepare us to:
- continue teaching throughout 2020
- equip pastors here and around the world
- innovate with new discipleship resources to meet the ever-evolving needs of our ever-changing world
Like you, much of my financial reserves are depleted, and my retirement account is eagerly awaiting the “big bounce back” we all hope will come soon. But, Theresa and I are committed to give now as we have in the past, knowing it will mean trusting God for the future and being willing to sacrifice at a time when people are more spiritually open than ever before.
Will you join me, Theresa, and our team as we choose to step out instead of shrink back in this critical moment of need and opportunity?
I know what I’m asking will be a stretch for many of us. The one certain thing we know about the future is that it is very uncertain!
But these are the times when God calls us to trust Him, to stay the course, to fight the good fight, to keep the faith, to be Christ-followers who refuse to let fear dominate our lives or determine our decisions.
Thank you for bringing my request boldly before the Lord. I am absolutely confident that as each of us listen to the Holy Spirit and respond to whatever Jesus leads us to do, we will have ALL we need to do ALL that God calls us to do.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support.
Pressing ahead together,
Chip Ingram
CEO & Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge