June 2022
Your gift this month will be DOUBLED dollar-for-dollar, fueling a movement to disciple believers across the US and around the globe.
Message from Chip
For many years, Theresa and I would stay in a friend’s rustic vacation home near Lake Tahoe for some much-needed downtime. In the winter, it would be very cold outside, and it felt even colder inside until we fired up the wood-burning stove. In a world that’s growing darker and colder by the minute, I’m seeing a fresh fire burning among God’s people. I invite you to join me in throwing three “logs” on the fire during this next season…
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20 (NIV)
Dear Ministry Partner,
I’m so grateful for friends like you who stand with us. Your prayers and financial support fuel the ministry of Living on the Edge. I’m thrilled to share some exciting ministry updates with you, but before I do, I’d like to tell you about a word picture I believe God gave me.
For many years, Theresa and I would stay in a friend’s rustic vacation home near Lake Tahoe for some much-needed downtime. In the winter, it would be very cold outside, and it felt even colder inside until we fired up the wood-burning stove.
We shivered and fumbled each time we attempted to get the fire started. We would light newspaper and kindling to try to get the fire going. As the chimney started sucking up the smoke, it was time to add small pieces of wood, then bigger pieces, and eventually a log. We would sit back and watch the fire burning. It was so efficient—the warmth radiated all over the cabin.
But here’s the thing: The wood stove kept the cabin cozy and warm as long as we kept adding another log at just the right time. That trusty stove could burn for four days straight if we did the work of tending to it.
What a fitting image of the day we’re living in: It is growing darker and colder by the minute. And in the midst of spiritual darkness, moral decline, family disintegration, wars abroad, and ideological wars at home, we see a fresh fire burning among God’s people.
Things are heating up in a good way!
For the past twenty-five years, I have been compelled by a clear calling from God to help Christians live like Christians. I never would have imagined that He would take my passion for discipleship and my experience leading local churches to provide the raw material—the logs—to disciple His people around the world.
I believe there are three “logs” we must throw on the fire during this next season at Living on the Edge to fuel the flame that God is calling us to burn brightly.
The first log is discipleship: teaching people to go deep in their relationship with God. Just two years ago, in the midst of the pandemic shutdown, we launched Daily Discipleship to deliver personal mentoring and teaching to people in the way they needed it most. It’s been my honor and privilege to walk through entire chapters of the Bible with people virtually.
I’m thrilled that more than 150,000 people have participated, but I’m even more excited by their personal responses to God! They’re experiencing spiritual renewal, addressing sin in their lives, rebuilding their marriages, and rekindling broken relationships with their children. Some are reaching out to neighbors and becoming Difference-Makers in their community. And we’re just two years in!
Now is the time to throw another log on that fire and add the additional staff and technology to continue to disciple more believers all around the world.
The Greatest CONCERN = Reaching the NEXT GENERATION
The second log is reaching the next generation. One of my greatest concerns is the spiritual lives of my children and grandchildren. They are growing up in a world that is increasingly anti-life, anti-marriage, anti-gender, and anti-Christian. At Living on the Edge, we are absolutely committed to being a part of God’s solution.
We believe that the most significant person in this journey is you. In Luke 6:40, Jesus says, “The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher” (NIV). We’re strategically working to help parents and grandparents teach and model an authentic, dynamic, and winsome faith to their kids and grandkids.
We are developing partnerships with communicators like Kyle Idleman, Jennie Allen, Ryan Ingram, John Dickerson, Doug Fields, and Jim Burns to reach the next generation. To do so, we must speak their language, meet them where they are, model life-giving relationships, and leverage technology. We’re stepping out like never before in this area. It’s time to throw another log on this fire.
The third log is training under-resourced pastors globally. We began in China distributing nearly three million books with training to pastors and church leaders and have now expanded our training to include the Middle East, Egypt, India, Africa, Southeast Asia, Central America, and Mexico.
The A.R.T. of Survival book and training events have helped renew the commitment of pastors all over the world who were on the verge of burnout. To continue to bring hope, encouragement, and theological training to these church leaders, we’ll need to multiply our capacity by ten times in the next two years to walk through the doors God is opening.
Could it be that over the past twenty-five years of ministry, God was building and preparing Living on the Edge for this very moment in world history? Is He inviting us to have a significant part in fulfilling the Great Commission in our lifetime? Only God knows, but we dare not miss this opportunity.
Now, thanks to a small group of ministry partners, EVERY GIFT GIVEN THIS MONTH WILL BE DOUBLED, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, to allow us to keep the fire burning brightly.
The winds of spiritual darkness are blowing and there’s a chill in the air, but God is still on His throne, and He will fulfill His agenda. Our job is to listen to His marching orders, fuel the fire with our prayers and financial investments, and join Him in this amazing mission!
Please prayerfully consider the Vision Report below and ask God to show you His will for how you might support the ministry in this season. Thank you for following His lead.
Fueling this movement TOGETHER,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
P.S. We see a fresh fire burning among God’s people. We see a unique window of opportunity to join God in His transformational work. Thank you for your generous partnership, especially now because every gift is doubled, dollar for dollar, through July 7!

While the world grapples with the emotional, relational, and financial fallout of a worldwide pandemic and a grisly war, people are desperate for safety, comfort, and hope. Amid the darkness, we’re seeing a fresh fire smoldering among God’s people! God continues to open countless doors for Living on the Edge to bring His hope to the world.
In His sovereignty, God is igniting a supernatural movement: awakening His people from their slumber, drawing countless unbelievers to Himself, and bringing fresh vitality to weary pastors and church leaders.