NOW PLAYING: You Ought To Be Concerned
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We Ask God To:
1. Provide clear direction and wisdom to Chip and the Living on the Edge team as they film and create content this month for the next Daily Discipleship with Chip.
2. Powerfully multiply the ongoing and future impact of the global webinars and call new partners to join with us.
3. Use us to be a catalyst to help launch a movement of believers to move from “in” to “all in.”
We Thank God For:
1. The incredible opportunity to inspire, encourage, and help tens of thousands of believers ignite their spiritual passions through Chip’s teaching on Ephesians 4 last month with Daily Discipleship with Chip.
2. The amazing and exciting way He’s bringing over 4,000 pastors and church leaders from around the world “together” through the global webinar series Making Disciples in a Disrupted World.
3. The generous financial support from our partners that is allowing us to translate our materials into a 4th Indian language and Tagalog for the Philippines.
What Does the Future Hold for The Next Generation?
If you’re worried or fearful about the future of your children or grandchildren, Click the Play Button–this is a MUST-LISTEN!
For the first time since the late 1930s, less than half of Americans say they belong to a church or other house of worship. Christians are in the minority, and most pastors in America agree that we are losing the nation’s culture war and Christianity is under attack.
Meanwhile, two-thirds of young adults who used to attend church drop out after turning 18. As a grandfather of 12 kids, this grieves me. What world are they growing up in?
Do you have a specific game plan to help your children and grandchildren face, survive, and thrive in today’s culture?
This month’s Coffee Break recording is a MUST-LISTEN if what I mentioned above creates even bigger questions in your heart and mind.
I want to help you see where we are, what is coming, and how to prepare yourself and your children and grandchildren. Now is not the time to shrink back in fear (2 Timothy 1:7); it’s the time to soberly assess what needs to change in our parenting paradigm.
What happened? Why are so many good and sincere parents (who attended church and sent their kids to Sunday school or Christian schools) now watching their children leave the faith or live out values that contradict all they believe and hold dear?
Listen to the Coffee Break recording at the top of this page for my detailed analysis.
Although there are many external cultural factors and influences—including social media, movies, and academia—I believe this dramatic shift has also occurred internally by well-meaning Christian parents with the best of intentions.
“Good parents” over the past few decades have very subtly majored on making their children happy, confident (self-esteem), successful, well educated, and upwardly mobile while protecting them from adversity, pain, suffering, and the consequences of poor decisions and bad behavior.
Popular Christian teaching about success and prosperity as God’s ultimate purpose has replaced the biblical and historical parental focus on spiritual growth, character development, wisdom, good judgment, discernment, responsibility, kindness, diligence, and discipline in order to please a holy God and fulfill His purpose for their lives (Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 6:6).
Like the proverbial “frog in a boiling pot of water,” we have gradually drifted from God’s truth, absolute values, and biblical literacy. The goal of helping our children discover and live out God’s will has been sacrificed on the altar of “I just want my child to be happy.”
Ironically, the next generation has rejected the personal peace and prosperity gospel and long for their lives to have deeper meaning by supporting a CAUSE bigger than themselves (social justice) and by doing so in authentic and meaningful RELATIONSHIPS.
We care deeply about the next generation!
What we are seeing is not new. There is hope! God is raising up a generation and causing many to return to authentic, biblical Christianity where Jesus is Lord, His Kingdom is the agenda, and His joy, peace, and power are rediscovered.
The CAUSE bigger than ourselves is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). The calling is to do so in radical, deep, other-centered RELATIONSHIPS (John 13:34-35).
We want to help you restore your relationship with your children and grandchildren who have drifted from the faith.
We want to help you train your children and grandchildren to face the challenges of today’s culture with wisdom, kindness, and intellectual rigor so that they will become difference makers in their world rather than victims of it.
I pray you’ll listen to this month’s Coffee Break recording. Take to heart what you hear from God. Refuse to give in to fear, and allow us here at Living on the Edge to provide you with the spiritual tools and resources you need. We want to help you be parents and grandparents who push back the darkness and shine the light of Christ.
Thank you for your prayers and faithful financial support that fuels our passion to reach the next generation.
Making a difference together,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge