What’s The Difference Between Groups That Teach vs. Groups That Transform?

By Staff Writers

Groups that Teach vs. Groups that Transform

Over the years Chip Ingram has partnered with many small group leaders who use his DVD group studies from Living on the Edge. His growing concern, as the person doing the teaching on the DVD, is that over time, leaders will start thinking, “If our group members just listen to someone teach on that DVD then a revolution will happen in their soul.’”

This is incorrect – and even dangerous — thinking because knowing the truth and allowing the truth to transform your life are two different things. It is important for leaders to remember that the power is in the message – the Word of God — not in the messenger.

People can listen to a pastor or a small group leader talk about God’s word and agree with it, but when they have to pull the trigger and take a step of faith, that takes conviction.  And conviction only comes when a person wrestles with the text, allowing God to speak to them individually.

The Word of God is alive and active – when people hear it and begin to apply it to their lives, amazing things happen. Often, people will get inspired and encouraged. Sometimes, they get convicted. Or they might hear a truth that helps to bring clarity to a tough situation they’re facing.

This is why, as a small group leader, you need to drive people to the Word. There are several ways you can do this. After watching the teaching on the DVD, make sure the Bible gets opened. Then, make sure you ask your group members to participate in studying the Bible. You can do this by asking a few of them to read Scripture in your meeting time. Afterward ask them, “What does this passage say?”  You can even ask them what they’re learning in between meeting times.

Remember, it all starts with you, the small group leader. Get people in the book, because God is a God of the Book!


Listen online or download the Free MP3 message Where Do We Get the Power to Change from the series Transformed.

Written By

Staff Writers

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