How Can I Surrender to Christ if I Need to Overcome an Addiction?
First of all, let me say that you’re not alone. The great majority of people have some kind of addiction, whether that’s a sexual addiction or an eating addiction or a people-approving addiction or a workaholic addiction. And so we’re all in this together.
Second thing I would say is that addictions will hold you captive for the rest of your life until you do two or three things. Number one, you’ve got to own it. I mean, the fact that you’re asking that question or you clicked on to this question tells me that you’re making some good progress. You’re saying, hey, I have an addiction, or I think I might. You’ve got to own it and say, “I have a problem.”
The second thing, this is the big one, you need to verbalize this. Someone else needs to know. That needs to be a safe person. I have a good friend who had to travel to another town who had a porn addiction. He was a leader in the church. He had it for like 15 or 20 years. It strangled him. He actually went to a recovery program in another city. He got it out in the open, had real recovery, and came back to the church and started leading groups. But the point was, he had to get it out in the open. You’ve got to tell someone.
And then third is, you know, there’s a supply line. You know, certain things are creating this addiction, this pattern in your life. You have to cut off the supply lines and, as you get it open, get some positive, good reinforcement in your life.
And let me just encourage you, get help. You know, the fact that you pushed this button and are listening to me says you know you need to do something. Don’t put it off. Don’t go back into denial. Go for it. God will give you help.
Download the Free MP3 message How to Break Out of a Destructive Lifestyle from the series Transformed.

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