What Does God Think About Divorce?

By Staff Writers


Divorce Isn’t ‘An Option’

Perhaps you or someone you care about is thinking about getting a divorce and you’re wondering what does God think about divorce?

First, we need to get one thing straight. God hates divorce, but He loves divorcees. God loves us as His children, no matter what, but He does not have to agree with many of our reasons for divorce. We live in a world today where people think divorce is just an option. For instance if you’re unhappy, and you’re going through some conflict, we are taught by our culture to just bail out the relationship.

But God designed marriage as a holy covenant between a man, woman and God. A covenant is an agreement and guarantee one person makes with another. In marriage, this covenant is an irrevocable commitment of unconditional love toward an imperfect person. It’s an agreement to love, respect and honor that person (Ephesians 5:22-23), for life. Therefore, since marriage is a covenant and not merely a contract, divorce is not an option.

God also hates divorce because He knows the kind of damage that it does to us psychologically and spiritually, and He knows how deeply it hurts our kids. He’s even aware of all the financial chaos that occurs as a result of divorce. Over half of all the people who get divorced – mainly women — find themselves living for a period of time below the poverty level.

Now, here’s the good news. Although there are times when divorce is unavoidable, such as in the case of sexual immorality, abandonment and spousal abuse, it’s always wise to do some research and think it through very carefully before entertaining the thought. The Bible is very clear about what a biblical divorce is and when it is acceptable. But our first steps should always be confession, forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration. Divorce should only be viewed as a last resort.

The game-changer is this: Do some of your own research on this issue and then be willing to do whatever God says. Here is a suggestion: If you are struggling with conflict in your marriage and contemplating divorce, first listen to the message, “Divorce and Remarriage in the Church” and then pray about it and ask God to speak to you.

Download the FREE MP3 message Divorce and Remarriage in the Church from the series Singleness: Blessing or Curse.


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Staff Writers

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