weekend Broadcast

Jesus Unfiltered - Follow

If we think about it very hard, we admit that there’s not much in this life we actually control. In this series, from John chapters 6 – 10, Chip Ingram explains that to follow someone or something means we willingly let someone else lead. When Jesus asks people to follow Him, He means He will take on the responsibility to provide, lead, protect, and love – and as followers, we agree to believe, trust, and obey – even when it’ll take everything we’ve got, to do that. Chip details the journey from forgiveness to freedom, as he fills in the blanks of what it means to follow Jesus.

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Jesus, Miracles, and You, Part 1

If God could do a grade-A, supernatural miracle in your life right now, the kind that can’t be explained away by skeptics or scientific reasoning, if God could do that for you - what would it be? A relationship? A health issue? Finances? Have you got it? Chip begins this first message by exploring what the Bible has to say about Jesus, miracles, and you.

No More Shame, Part 1

We can all look back over our lives and see some things we regret doing or saying. We’ve all made mistakes - some big, some not so big. And for many of us, those mistakes are shaping our life right now and are threatening to shape our future. Would you like to know how to break free of your past? Join Chip as he shares, very specifically, how you can be free of shame.