daily Broadcast


Overcoming the Pain of Your Past

Pain. It is part of the human experience, and one of the things that helps us grow to maturity. But for some of us the pain we have experienced feels crippling. Broken promises, dysfunctional families, damaged relationships and rejection keep us from experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised. Sometimes it’s a challenge just to get through the day, let alone to extend love and strength to those around us. The Bible, however, offers great hope for pressing on. From the book of Ephesians, learn who you really are and why the pain of your past doesn’t have to obscure God’s plan for your future.

Message Notes Purchase

Overcoming Unjust Suffering, Part 2

There are four things, four principles, you must remember when you’re experiencing unjust suffering. Chip reassures us, by sharing how to apply those four principles, from Ephesians Chapter 3.

Overcoming the Pain of Broken Relationships, Part 1

A spouse walks out. A child rejects you. A lifelong friend turns on you. What do you do when a relationship comes apart? How do you think about it? How do you go on? Chip persuades us that there's great hope to be had from God's Word.

Overcoming the Pain of Broken Relationships, Part 2

Whether it’s a close friend, a spouse, a child, or a parent - when relationships break apart, they cause deep emotional scars - scars that can be very difficult to heal. Chip takes a look at God’s prescription for overcoming the pain of a broken relationship.