Dear Friends,
Thank you for reading Marriage That Works. I am excited to connect you with some supplemental resources to help you on your journey.
Let me remind you that God is on your side, walking with you to empower and encourage you every step of the way. In your efforts to align yourself with God’s design for marriage, you can be confident that you are walking in His will. You will probably never feel like you have arrived, but bring your willing heart to Him and receive the guidance and power He gives you, and I’m confident you will experience the satisfaction and fulfillment He designed you to enjoy.
Keep pressing ahead,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
Are you busy, tired, stressed out, and stretched to the limit? Are you running long on “to do’s” and short on time? In this MP3 download of Chip Ingram’s series, Balancing Life’s Demands, he uses practical biblical insights to help you learn how to put “first things first” and find peace in the midst of pressure and adversity.
How do you leave a legacy that stands the test of time? How do you give others what money can’t buy? We all desire to leave an inheritance of significant value to those around us. So, just what does that include? We can leave money and possessions, but what can we leave that really matters and will echo throughout time?
Raising children is a tough challenge in today’s world. Peers and pop culture exert a never-ending pressure on kids. And parents often feel helpless. In this MP3 download Chip Ingram’s series, Effective Parenting in a Defective World, you will be given practical tools and solid biblical advice on how to effectively raise children in today’s world.
Do you long for a marriage where intimacy and communication are a reality instead of a dream? In this MP3 download of Chip Ingram’s series, Experiencing God’s Dream for Your Marriage, he lays out practical, biblical instructions to help you make your marriage what God desires it to be.
What’s the secret to being truly smart when it comes to managing your finances, possessions and your very life? The Creator of all things invites you to enter into deeper levels of generosity with Him, so you can become wise in your giving and generous in living. When we begin to grasp God’s extravagant love and generosity toward us, we begin to be generous toward Him and others in His kingdom.
Do tensions and day-to-day frustrations result in stressed interactions with your loved ones? Anger is an emotion we all can relate to, but it doesn’t have to be an uncontrolled, negative emotion. Chip Ingram and Dr. Becca Johnson will show you how to take anger and use it to grow and mature you.
Chip’s wife, Theresa Ingram helps women understand that they are fully forgiven, deeply loved, and have great worth because of their relationship with Christ. We all spend many hours and days trying to be someone significant, only to realize we often don’t like the person we see in the mirror. Little do we know how precious we are in God’s sight.
Why are effective fathers so vital to the health of our families and children? Why is it so difficult for men to be effective fathers? In this series, Chip paints the biblical portrait of a father as the leader, priest, teacher and lover of the home.
We are all born with hope, and a desire to know our Creator for who He truly is. But our lives, our fears, and doubts have a way of obscuring the truth about God and our relationship with him. Once we understand the fullness of God as he really is, we can become who he’s created us to be, and have confidence in knowing The Real God.
Identify the barriers that have held you back from receiving God’s best and you’ll also learn how to break out of a destructive lifestyle so you can become the person you’ve always longed to be. (retitled from Transformed: The Miracle of Life Change)
Have you ever wondered what an authentic follower of Christ looks like? In Chip Ingram’s fundamental series, True Spirituality, you will discover a profile of a true disciple of Christ and the spiritual pathway to get there.
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