March 2022
In difficult days like these, I’m reminded that the promise of God’s love and salvation is what sustains us. We have an incredible opportunity to be His ambassadors, to radiate His love and hope, and to pray fervently for hurting people. Please watch this month’s video and consider what it means to be a Difference Maker for the Kingdom.
Your financial support is helping Living on the Edge equip Difference Makers all around the world.
A Personal Message from Chip

Are You Qualified? Do you ever wrestle with fear, discouragement, and depression? If you do, you’re in good company—and you might be surprised to learn that even the great Apostle Paul, the man God used to launch the gospel movement to the whole world, openly confessed his shortcomings, fears, and feeling of inadequacy (see 2 Corinthians 1:8). God is still using humble, honest people who are aware of their weakness and completely reliant on Him to transform the world.
Read More“I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling.”
Dear Ministry Partner,
Please take a moment to read the verse above again slowly and reflectively. I don’t know what your picture of the apostle Paul is, but to me he is clearly the greatest Disciple Maker and Difference Maker in the New Testament. He’s the man God used to write thirteen books of the New Testament and launch the gospel movement to the entire world, yet in this verse we hear him confessing his weakness, fear, and emotional struggles.
Yes, this great man suffered fear, discouragement, insecurity, and depression. He wrote,
“We were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life.”
Why am I sharing this with you today? Because I believe, like the apostle Paul, that you struggle with these emotions as much as I do. I’m encouraged when I see that God’s qualifications for Paul were not his strength, intelligence, and giftedness. God was looking for a person who was honest, aware of his weakness, and desperately dependent on Him and His Word.
“Indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead . . . , He on whom we have set our hope.”
2 CORINTHIANS 1:9-10 (NASB 1995)
I have an absolute conviction that God is calling us at Living on the Edge to be Difference Makers in this chaotic and uncertain world. I also believe God wants you to be a Difference Maker in your world, your family, your neighborhood, your work, your church, and your small group.
And here’s the good news: we are committed to helping you grow in such a way that you will have all you need to be that difference-making mother, difference-making father, difference-making coworker, and difference-making church member.
Jesus promised to build His Church—that’s His responsibility.
Ours is to Make Disciples—to be Difference Makers!
When we move from becoming simply His followers to becoming His Difference Makers, we’re aligning our lives with God’s purpose: to build His Church.
Whether it’s Nehemiah in the Old Testament or the apostle Paul in the New Testament, making a difference begins with having a heart that aches for those in need. I call it a Dislocated Heart.
Then it requires a Broken Spirit—a desperate dependence on God that moves us to devour His Word and bring our needs before Him in prayer.
We learn from heroes of the faith like Paul and Nehemiah that it is okay to be afraid, stressed, and discouraged and sometimes wonder if the struggle is worth it. That doesn’t disqualify you—it makes you human, and reminds you that you need God’s STRENGTH, instead of your own. You need God’s POWER, not your own. You need God’s WISDOM, not your own.
As you study God’s Word for yourself, the Holy Spirit takes the written Word and transforms it into the living Word in your heart. Tragically, most Christians don’t know how to study the Bible for themselves, so they rely on sermons, podcasts, and devotionals written by others. These all have their place, but real power comes when God speaks to you directly through His Word.
“Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart.”
Jeremiah 15:16 (NASB 1995)
I’d like to personally help you and those you love discover how to meet and experience God daily in His Word. If you join me for Daily Discipleship: The A.R.T. of Survival (begins March 7th), I’ll teach you how to study the Scriptures for yourself. More than anything, I want to empower you to become the Difference Maker that God has created you to be in your unique sphere of influence.
When we study the early days of the Church, we see clearly that God used ordinary people—the fearful, the insecure, the marginalized, and everyone in between—to turn the world upside down. Twenty centuries later, our world is still flooded with problems, and God is still calling ordinary people to allow Him to use them to introduce the living God to a desperate world!
Amazingly, nearly 150,000 people have joined me for Daily Discipleship in the last 18 months. Their testimonies of growth, power, and impact thrill my heart.
“It will crack your heart wide open in the best way possible. The blessings that came out of this series for me—I’m seeing them in my marriage, my relationships, and, most importantly, my thinking.” –Carrie, MN
So, tell your family and friends and join me for this new 10-day Daily Discipleship Series on The A.R.T. of Survival from James chapter 1. Together we will learn how to overcome the hard times we face.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and financial support. You are fueling this work, and I am deeply grateful.
Becoming Difference Makers together,
Chip Ingram
CEO and Teaching Pastor, Living on the Edge
Praise and Prayer

Every month, we'll share with you the top three prayer requests and praises from our team at Living on the Edge. This update is one of our favorite, as it's so clear the many ways that God is at work in our ministry. Chip and our entire team encourage you to celebrate and pray alongside us.
Read MoreWe Thank God For…
- Guiding our team in the creation and launch of the newest Daily Discipleship with Chip Series, “The ART of Survival.”
- Effective, encouraging training for 3,000 more pastors and leaders in Kenya.
- Health and safe travel for our international team members and partners.
We ask God to…
- Draw people to the new Daily Discipleship with Chip series and stir their hearts as they begin their “James 1 Challenge” on March 7.
- Guide and lead our team as they create study tools slated for release in 2022.
- Challenge His followers to be effective “Difference Makers” in their families and communities.

Living on the Edge helps Christians bring their faith to life by living before God, in community and on mission.