
Finding God When You Need Him Most

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In Finding God When You Need Him Most, Chip Ingram reveals how you can meet God in the midst of your most difficult moments. You will move from “knowing about God” to profoundly experiencing His presence and power in your life. Whether you’re struggling with a rocky relationship, an unexpected crisis, depression, or injustice, this series will remind you that the Lord is faithful to hear your heart’s cry and will be there for you, time and again.

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This seven part audio series includes the following message titles:

• Experiencing God When You Get a Raw Deal

Have you ever done the honorable thing and it backfired on you? Did you ever do all the work and someone else got all the credit?  Chip explores three timeless principles, from Psalm 73, about how you can respond when life is unfair, when you’re ready to give up, or when you really wonder, “God, where are You?”

• Experiencing God in Times of Crisis

Crises are a part of life. Some are global – tsunamis, earthquakes, or terrorism.  Others are local – cancer, divorce, bankruptcy, or the death of a loved one.  But here’s the question: “Is it possible to experience God in the midst of that kind of catastrophe?” In this message, Chip explores how you can experience God through your darkest times.

• Experiencing God When You Feel Like a Nobody, Going Nowhere

You’ve probably heard that God created you as one-of-a-kind treasure and He’s got a great plan for you life.  But right now, you feel lonely, depressed, or maybe just numb.  And down deep, you don’t believe anyone cares about you – maybe even God. Join Chip as he explains how you can begin to experience God when you feel like a nobody going nowhere.

• Experiencing God When You’re Troubled and Depressed

Do you feel blue, kinda down, depressed? We all get that way from time to time.  But when that emotion threatens to pull you under, what do you do?  Where do you go?  Who do you turn to?  Chip examines a passage, from Psalm 77, and talks about how you can experience God when you’re troubled and depressed, and in the process find renewed joy in your life.

• Experiencing God When You are Gripped by Fear

Fear – it’s a powerful emotion.  Have you ever experienced fear so intense that you couldn’t move – that you couldn’t breathe? Maybe had a panic attach? We all experience fear but God has an antidote for it.  Chip shares how you can experience God when you’re paralyzed by fear.

• Experiencing God When You’ve Blown it Big Time

Do you feel like you’ve blown it big time? You know, maybe you’ve committed a huge sin, or you think God will never love you, or He’ll never forgive you? If you’ve sinned and you know it’s wrong but you don’t know where to go, this message is for you.  Chip unpacks Psalm 51 and shares how you can be forgiven, restored, and set free.

• Experiencing God in Times of Confusion

Is there chaos in your life? Do you feel overwhelmed by work, life, and relationships?  Chip shares, in this message, how God specialized in bringing order out of chaos and how He can give you clarity in all the confusion in your life.

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