How Should I Prepare For My Group Meeting?

By Staff Writers

How to Prepare for Your Group

Besides being a small group leader, your life is probably quite busy and you have a lot of demands on your time. Even if the small group curriculum you’re using is simple and user-friendly, you may find you still don’t feel adequately prepared for your group. Below are some tips to help you prepare and ensure that you’ll have a successful group.

It might be helpful to think of two kinds of preparation, spiritual preparation and meeting preparation. Spiritual preparation is largely defined as prayer, both for your own heart and for the people in your group, who you may pray for personally and any requests that they might have given you.

When it comes to meeting preparation, it’s good to keep in mind that your goal is not just to have an interesting meeting.  The goal is that through your small group meetings, people will actually grow and become more devoted in following Jesus. So you may want to consider following a curriculum and a teaching that is already provided so you can focus more on the group. That being said, you may still find it helpful to review the curriculum ahead of time, watch the video teaching, review the questions, and decide which questions are most important and pertinent to your group.

In preparation for your group, one of the keys to having a great group meeting is to stay in contact with your group throughout the week, either through email or through an occasional phone call, as this really helps to bond the group.  And the more that you build relationships apart from the group meeting, the more your meeting will feel like a family gathering.

Preparing for your small group sessions don’t have to take a lot of time. With just a little bit of preparation, you can get a lot done. It just takes making preparation a priority.


Listen online or download the Free MP3 message The Peace and Power of a Prioritized Life from Balancing Life’s Demands.

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Staff Writers

Our team of writers is committed to bringing you life-changing content to help you become a Romans 12 Christian.

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