Where Do I Find Hope When My Life is Falling Apart?

By Staff Writers


Where do I find hope when my life is falling apart?

Is your life falling apart? Are you or someone you know feeling really discouraged and depressed, like nothing’s working out? Maybe your marriage is falling apart or you lost your job. Where do you go for hope?

The world will tell you that if you just find the right person to be with then you will find hope. Or if you just get a new job, you will find hope. Or if you had some more money, you will find hope. But all those things can never fully satisfy.

But there is something – or someone – who can. Today, Jesus says to you, “Come into me all you that labor and are heavy-laden, and I’ll give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

What He’s really saying is that when you’re feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, and when you’re feeling downcast and like you can’t go on another day that we can go to Him. Jesus says, “I’ll give you rest. Do life with me. That’ll bring rest to your soul.”

So here’s the game-changer. Psalm 34:17-18 is a promise that you can claim, and you can do it today. It says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

The truth is that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and he promises to help those who cry out to Him. So here’s the first step: Find a closet — a literal closet or small private space. Get in the closet and just pour out your heart to God. Cry out to him and ask Him to help you. And He will. The second step is to find a godly friend and ask them to hear your heart and to pray for you. Then see what God will do.


Download the FREE MP3 message When Being Good Isn’t Good Enough from the series Jesus Offers Hope.


Written By

Staff Writers

Our team of writers is committed to bringing you life-changing content to help you become a Romans 12 Christian.

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