Guest Speaker

Caring Enough to Confront

Bringing Light Not Heat to the Most Critical Issues of Our Day

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Our world right now can be characterized by one word – divided.  There is a dangerous us vs. them mindset out there that is invading every aspect of society.  Unfortunately, even in the name of holiness, Christians have begun thinking this way too.  So, when confronted with the hot-button issues of our day, how should followers of Jesus respond?  In this vital series, we will better understand what it means to be salt and light.  Join us as we explore what the Bible says about topics like abortion, politics, and sexuality and how we are to lead with grace and truth when we engage those with different beliefs.


SKU: DA16471-CP Categories: , , Product Format: Guest Speaker, MP3


This ten part audio series includes the following message titles:

  • Culture Shock 4.0

Are you worried for your children and grandchildren as our society shifts further and further from biblical morality?  In this message, Chip kicks off a vital study that will help followers of Jesus tackle the most controversial ethical issues of our day with grace while standing firm on the Truth of God’s Word. Discover what it really means to be salt and light in our lost world.

  • The Church and Politics

There is an old saying: there are two topics you cannot discuss publicly – politics and religion. But every election season, there are pastors who endorse a candidate or support a specific piece of legislation. On the other hand, some churches remain utterly silent on anything political. So, what is the correct response? Join Chip in this message as he reveals from Scripture God’s clear roles for the church, the government, and our involvement.

  • Understanding Abortion

Abortion has been one of the most controversial and polarizing issues, dividing families, political parties, and even some churches. So, in this message, Chip provides a thoughtful, biblical analysis of this emotionally charged topic and challenges what we believe about it and why. Learn what the Bible says about the sanctity of life and why we must lead with grace when this topic comes up in real life.

  • The Church and the Environment

Should Christians care about climate change? How should we look at environmental causes and issues? In this message, Chip confronts this polarizing issue through the lens of Scripture. You will hear how, from the beginning, God has cared about His creation and the clear direction He has given us to care for and preserve its beauty and splendor.

  • A Biblical Perspective of Sex and Sexuality – by Tim Lundy

Many people throughout culture think the Bible is old-fashioned and maybe even a bit oppressive when it comes to sex and relationships. But in this message, guest teacher Pastor Tim Lundy shares the freedom that comes when we live within the boundaries God created for intimacy. Learn about our Creator’s original design for sex and why anyone with sexual brokenness in their past can experience genuine redemption and forgiveness.

  • Homosexuality in Light of Scripture – by Tim Lundy

There is a lot of confusion and harsh division within the 21st-century church over the issue of homosexuality. Is the Bible old-fashioned about this topic? Should Christians soften their position in the name of tolerance? In this message, guest teacher Pastor Tim Lundy shares a thorough study of homosexuality in light of Scripture. Learn what the Bible clearly says about same-sex relationships, temptations and attractions, and how the church should engage those in the gay and lesbian community.

  • Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships?: An Interview with Rebecca McLaughlin

What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Many think Christians should be more open-minded and accepting of those in the gay and lesbian community. While others believe the church has gone too far in affirming these lifestyles. So what is the truth? In this message, Chip brings clarity to this issue through his conversation with prominent author and apologist Rebecca McLaughlin. Learn what society claims about Scripture and sexuality against what God’s Word says.

  • Transgender Issues and The Bible – by Tim Lundy

Is gender fluid, or is it fixed? Are you a man or woman from birth, or do you get to decide? In this message, guest teacher Pastor Tim Lundy turns the spotlight on the most controversial issue in our society: transgenderism. Learn what the Bible teaches about biology and sexuality and why God’s original design and intent for men and women matters.

  • Sex, Sexuality, and Gender: Tough Questions, Practical Answers

Every day, Christians face complicated moral situations when their faith in Jesus conflicts with the prominent sexual ethic of the day. So, in this message, Chip and Pastor Tim Lundy provide some practical, biblical answers to these dilemmas when they come up at work or school. Learn what it means to be in the world without compromising on what the Bible says about gender, sexuality, or relationships.

  • What Ever Happened to Right and Wrong?

Whatever happened to right and wrong? When did timeless principles like fidelity, honesty, and sacrificial love get replaced by safe sex, adultery, and living together? In this message, Chip identifies the devastating impact moral relativism has historically had on the culture and the church. Hear what Jesus taught His disciples about absolute truth and why it matters to believers now.



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SKU: DA16471-CP Categories: , , Product Format: Guest Speaker, MP3