Do You Love Me More than These?
Chip wraps up this series by saying that a lot of us are harder on ourselves than God is. And maybe the reason we don’t enjoy the peace God offers is because instead of trusting Him with our deepest secrets,…
Read »Fear and anxiety can take on many different forms, but God wants to provide His unchanging peace to every one of us who struggles. In this article, I’ll share the 4 kinds of prayer that will lead you to experience peace in your life.
Read »Country by country, state by state, town by town, block by block—the world is experiencing a pandemic that just a few months ago was an obscure news headline. If you’re feeling some anxiety and struggling to find peace, it’s certainly…
Read »We all long for inner peace, for what the Bible describes as shalom. It’s a Hebrew term that suggests many wonderful things: (1) wholeness, whether mental, emotional, or physical; (2) work that fulfills, in line with how you were created; (3) righteous victory over opponents; and (4) harmony in relationships. God is our source of shalom. He wants to heal your relational conflict. We’ll explain how in this article.
Read »When the unexpected is added to the challenges of the everyday, it can seem overwhelming. A cancer diagnosis … a job loss … a natural disaster. When circumstances seem out of our control, that’s when fear, anxiety, and worry can begin to consume us. So how can we find peace in the midst of it all?
Read »Is it possible to have a supernatural inner peace in such a violent and uncertain world, and if so, how? You might be surprised to find that the answer hasless to do with the evil and tragedy in the world,…
Read »Is there anything harder than relationships? Marriage brings countless opportunities for strife and dissension; same with raising kids. What about your unresolved issues with parents or old friends? Or co-workers and neighbors? Disagreements and friction are a given with we’re living alongside others, and yet God tells us to live peacefully with others.
Read »Are you content with what you have in your life? For many of us, this is a difficult question to answer “yes.” We are living in a culture where every commercial and every magazine and every advertisement tells us we need something more or better….
Read »What is the greatest fear you’re facing right now? What gets your stomach in knots? When you’re driving in your car and everything is quiet and your mind drifts, what makes your heart rate increase and you suddenly realize you’re…
Read »There are two different paths to achieve happiness in this life. Path number one is the option we are faced with every day. We might call it “the world’s way.” It’s not new. It was around a thousand years ago,…
Read »Pastors, Chip's I Choose Peace resources equip believers to quiet their heart in the chaos of life. Living on the Edge is praying for you.