This eight part audio series includes the following message titles:
- Psalm 1 – The Power of ‘The Path’: Overcoming the Fear of Failure
Is your faith strong enough to weather life’s storms? Join Chip as he explores powerful Psalms that will equip you to develop a resilient faith capable of overcoming any obstacle. In this compelling message, you will learn how to say goodbye to feelings of inadequacy and fears of failing and embrace who God says you are. Discover how to strengthen your faith and live with God-inspired confidence.
- Psalm 15 – I Will Not Be Shaken!: Living in the Shadow of the Almighty
Someone once said, “Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it.” Join Chip in this insightful message as he explores Psalm 15 and explains how to respond to life’s difficulties biblically. He also talks about spiritual blind spots and gives a simple diagnostic test to gauge the health of your relationship with God. Discover peace, security, and courage in the comforting presence of your Heavenly Father.
- Psalm 23 – I Will Not Be Anxious!: Overcoming the Fear of Abandonment
Feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of disturbing news and social media posts? You are not alone! Chip addresses this widespread anxiety and shares a powerful message of hope found in Psalm 23. Discover a simple yet profound biblical plan to conquer worry and anxiety, empowering you to embrace a life filled with true peace and hope. Hear how to transform fear into faith and inspire each other to live joyfully amidst the chaos.
- Psalm 27 – I Will Not Be Afraid!: God is My Rock and Protector
Here is an inspiring quote, “Courage is fear holding on for one more minute.” But when fear overwhelms us, we need more than just uplifting words. Chip uncovers the biblical path to conquering fear in this message, revealing how God provides true hope, security, and lasting protection. He also explains why appreciating God’s magnificent creation is essential in breaking free from fear. Let’s refuse to allow fear to control our lives.
- Psalm 11 – I Will Not Run and Hide!: What to Do When Evil Triumphs
There is a fundamental truth at the heart of every story: the good guys win, the bad guys lose, and justice prevails. However, in real life, this isn’t always the case. In this insightful message, Chip directly answers the question: What do you do when evil wins over and over again? Learn why Christians must stand and fight against the darkness of our world and commit to mending the brokenness we see everywhere.
- Psalm 16 – I Will Live Forever!: Overcoming the Fear of Death
Many devoted Christians find themselves grappling with an overwhelming fear of death, especially as they near the end of their lives. Why is that? And what can we say to those loved ones on the brink of eternity? Chip dives into Psalm 16 in this message, reminding us of the hope that only Jesus can offer. Learn how to comfort and assure those facing death and discover the courage that comes from understanding the glorious future Christ has in store for us in Heaven.
- Psalm 103 – I Will Never Give Up!: Overcoming the Valleys of Discouragement
A valley is one of the most vulnerable places a soldier can find themselves on the battlefield. It exposes them to attack on every side and obstructs their view of the path ahead. In this message, Chip talks about the spiritual valleys of discouragement that every Christian can experience. He offers powerful strategies to overcome these challenging emotions and encouragement for anyone struggling. Don’t miss the practical advice to stay vigilant against discouragement and embrace the hopeful life God has for you.
- Psalm 107- I Will Not Settle!: Confronting the Spirit of Cynicism
Are you troubled by the evil, inequality, and violence that has permeated our world? Does it make you want to throw in the towel and question whether righteous living is worth it? Chip tackles the deceptive harm of cynicism by exploring the truths in Psalm 107. Learn why this dangerous combination of doubt and apathy squashes our hope and what you can do to shift your focus. Join Chip to gain some timeless wisdom about cultivating biblical hope during challenging seasons of life.
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