This four part audio series includes the following message titles:
- Who Do Men Say That I Am?
Perhaps the greatest question facing the church today is “Who is Jesus? ” Scholars, religious leaders, authors, movie makers are all attempting to answer this one question. Chip begins this series answering this one question: “Who is Jesus – Really?”
- Who Do You Say That I Am?
Sometimes how you answer a question will determine your destiny. Chip poses a handful of questions, straight from scripture, that Jesus asks us today. Your answers have the power to change your entire life.
- Who Did They Think That I Was?
Chip continues his series on Jesus with a look at common perceptions and misperceptions about Him. Who did the people of Jesus’ day thing He was? And now, more than 2,000 years later, who do we think He was?
- Who Do I Say That I Am?
What would it be like to meet Jesus today? Not the Jesus who was here on the earth, but if you met Him, face to face, as He is now what would He be like? Chip presents a picture of Jesus that you may not have considered. This is one you don’t want to miss!
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